Shared stories nurture human connections

At The Story Connection, we believe in connecting people through capturing stories™

 Stories are the experiences that have shaped our lives. They help us internally reflect and externally relate to others, including our family and friends. A connection occurs between the storyteller, storywriter and story reader(s) that can change lives for the better, albeit unintentionally. Those who choose to share their stories are often surprised by how much their simple act is appreciated by the people in their lives. 

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A Quiet Calling

The Story Connection Founder Marie Reilly is an old soul, who is known among her family and friends as being a keeper of all things sentimental. When she was a child, she loved nothing more than to sit and listen to the stories of her grandparents, parents and relatives, while pondering what it was like to live out those stories.

A strong communicator, she grew up to become a successful marketing executive, building relationships with customers and investors through content marketing and storytelling an d helping others pursue their business-to-business (B2B) entrepreneurial endeavors.

While helping others accomplish their dreams felt great, Marie kept putting off her own dream—a quiet calling to help people, not businesses, tell their stories like the ones she listened to as a child.

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Interesting Things About Marie…

  • Marie is an advocate (INFJ), the rarest personality type of all. “Advocates want to find meaning in their work and to know that they are helping and connecting with people…Many advocates are strong communicators. This is why they are often drawn to careers in writing, authoring many popular books, blogs, stories and screenplays.” -

  • “I Love Lucy” is her favorite television show. Despite having seen every episode, she laughs hysterically each time she watches it.

  • She recalls her earliest memories through her sense of smell (fallen leaves, ocean air, grandma’s soap, grandpa’s garage, freshly dried laundry and the like).

  • She’s lived in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast and the West Coast of the United States in urban, suburban and rural areas and has a knack for relating to people of all backgrounds.